Comeback Community™ for ITV colleagues taking leave from work
Hello, we’re The Talent Keeper Specialists and we are delighted you’d like to access the Comeback Community™ employee experience for ITV colleagues preparing for/returning from any type of extended leave.
This page explains what to expect and how to get access to all the resources available you.
In a nutshell we’ll provide you with:
- 3 hours of confidential 1:1 coaching (remote – video or by phone). This can be 4 X 45 minutes or 3 X 1 hour.
- Monthly expert ‘Comeback Conversation’ Q&As on topics related to returning to work and career development.
- Our collection of articles, videos and tools to support your leave and return over on*
- Some timely ‘hellos’ by e-mail to signpost resources that will be helpful to you at key points on your leave/return journey.*
- Access to our private online community for peer-to-peer problem solving and expert advice.*
- Reminders to listen to new episodes of our podcast, COMEBACK COACH, on topics such as confidence, what to do in your first few weeks back, relationship building and internal networking, and how to share the mental load at home.*
- Copy of Mothers Work! How to Get a Grip on Guilt and Make a Smooth Return to Work by Jessica Chivers.
- A welcome back box by post when you return to work.
- LINE MANAGER support** – and in addition to all of this specifically for you, there’s a 30 minute coaching session to help your line manager support your return to work. Your line manager will also have access to all the resources on the site.
* You’ll need to create a profile to access all these goodies.
** You’ll need to enter your line manager’s name and e-mail address for this to happen.
See the short film on the right hand side with our lead coach and founder, Jessica Chivers, that explains what coaching is.