Comeback Coach Podcast
Comeback Coach Podcast – Ria’s Story (Episode 17)
Hello and welcome to episode 17 of Comeback Coach, the first in a brand new series. In this episode we’re talking about making a mindful return. Jessica’s guest is Ria Ingleby who agonised over whether or not to actually go on leave from her role at Headspace when she received a cancer diagnosis. But, she says the decision became easy when friends said to her “what advice would you give a friend?” Ria is a qualified C.H.E.K Holistic Health Coach, Yoga and trained Mindfulness Meditation teacher, and it’s fair to say she really loves her work.
Check out snippets from the episode in the sidebar. You can listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or on our website.
The Science of Journaling
In the conversation Ria talked about journaling as being the most ‘magic and healing’ experience. Jessica shared her experience of journaling or ‘free writing’ and the benefits it’s brought her.
A scan of the literature shows many benefits:
- Finding meaning in experiences, gaining a new perspective, and seeing silver linings in stressful or negative experiences (Murray, 2002).
- Reduced physical symptoms, health problems, and anxiety in women (LaClaire, 2008).
- A healing effect on traumatised individuals (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005).
- Journaling helped reduce brooding and rumination, two contributing factors of depressive symptoms, in college students (Gortner, Rude, & Pennebacker, 2006).
- In general, people diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder reported significantly lower depression scores after three days of expressive writing, 20 minutes per day (Krpan, Kross, Berman, Deldin, Askren, & Jonides, 2013).
- Reduction in the most severe symptoms of grief, especially in children dealing with bereavement (Kalantari, Yule, Dyregrov, Neshatdoost, & Ahmadi, 2012).
- Recovery from addiction (Milios, 2015).
- Reduced symptoms of depression in women who have suffered domestic violence (Koopman, Ismailji, Holmes, Classen, Palesh, & Wales, 2005).
Taming Tigers by Ria Ingleby
You don’t need to bury her deep in the jungle inside,
or banish her from the places, that can occupy your mind.
For the day will come, when your Tiger will catch your eye,
prowling, pawing, purring, searching in the night.
Trapped and getting fierce, for you had lost your way,
it’s time to tame your tigers, that you had locked away.
Take a step toward her, look her in the eyes,
surrender to the fear you hold, for her strength will help you RISE.
Take a breath and find the space, to help her take her stride,
for you now walk with Tigers in your jungle deep inside.
5 Key Takeaways
- Being mindful about returning to work is about setting intentions. Ria thought about her return as though she were an aircraft and asked herself “How can I glide in and have a gentle landing?”
- Being mindful can also be about being led by what feels right at the at the time.
- Nobody should ask themselves to “hit the ground running” when they return to work. You’ve been away and it takes time to get back up to ‘race pace.’
- Back to back meetings is not conducive to looking after your mental, physical or spiritual health (full stop, irrespective of whether you’re just coming back from ill health).
- Journaling or ‘free writing’ can be a powerful tool for making sense of what you’re thinking and feeling – sometimes things rise onto the page that you didn’t know were bothering you.
References & Resources
- Morning Pages by Julia Cameron
- The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van Dee Kolp
- When the Body says No – Dr Gabor Mate
- Anticancer – Dr David Servan-Schreiber
- Dying to be me – Anita Moorjani
- All of Pema Chodron’s books!
- Creativity, Spirituality and Making a Buck and Awakening from the Daydream by David Nichtern
- Feel better, Live More with with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
- The Holistic Healing Project with Dr Lauren MacDonald
- Creativity, Spirituality and Making a Buck with David Nichtern
Supportive people and resources
- Penny Brohn Cancer Charity with online webinars, doctors, counselling etc
- Yes to Life charity
- Headspace App
- Rebecca Dennis – Retreats and Workshops
Final Word From Jessica
I think everything Ria has shared can be of value to anyone who is returning to work, whatever their reason for leave. I hope you are lifted by the conversation I had with Ria and please do subscribe to the podcast if you don’t already.
If you or your colleagues need support with your return to work and onward career journey, remember to come over to and subscribe to our fortnightly Caremails. And if your experience of returning to work wasn’t as good as it could have been your HR team needs to know about the Comeback Community employee experience. There’s a 2 minute film in the show notes you can share that explains exactly what is and why your workplace needs it.
Until next time, stay bright.